In order for you to find the best size birthing ball for you, we have two sizes to choose from:
If you are 5’8” or shorter- use the 65 cm ball
If you are 5’9” or taller- use the 75 cm ball
Here are a few important tips to keep in mind:
Don’t attempt to patch a hole or repair a damaged ball- it’s not worth your safety. By buying a new birthing ball, you’re also buying peace of mind.
Keep your birth ball away from any and all sharp objects. If you have other children, your house might be littered with little toys strewn on the floor. Make sure to clear the area you’re using, to prevent damage to your ball.
Towards the end of your pregnancy, put a towel or absorbent-pad on the ball while you sit. This will help in case your water bursts.
Make sure you’re comfortable just sitting on the ball before you try any exercises or stretches.
As your pregnancy progresses and your body changes more rapidly, your balance and center of gravity will be altered- so make sure that someone will be nearby and able to assist you if needed.
Do not store your birth ball in hot temperatures. This can cause your ball to expand and deteriorate.